Reflex Tools are the combination of CLI commands available to interface with the Reflex Engine. You can run them either with the reflexsc/tools container, or by doing a Direct Install.

All commands center around reflex as a base command, but some of them also may be run individually as a sub command. Watch for these shortcuts.

The commands are self-describing (run without arguments for syntax information).

Command Usage

In the command syntaxes shown below, anything after a question mark is optional, and the pipe | character shows alternate options.

General Setup

Reflex tools supports a few settings in a local config file (encrypted), if you would rather do this than use environment, it can ease common use. This is not recommended for production use — although the local config is encrypted, it is not a strong security.

The available setup options:

    reflex setup l?ist|ls        # list configured values
    reflex setup set key=        # set a key, but ask for the value on stdin
    reflex setup set key=value   # set a key to value
    reflex setup get key         # get a key
    reflex setup unset key       # unset a key
    reflex setup wiz?ard         # ask for the main keys interactively
    reflex setup demo            # populate a database with demo data

Api Key Management

The apikey, although also available to manipulate with the direct reflex engine command, may be more directly managed with this command.

    reflex apikey list
    reflex apikey delete {name}
    reflex apikey create {name}

Launch Control

This is used to launch a service — either within a container, or even from SystemD. You may use reflex launch {args} or launch {args}. If [service-name] is not provided as an argument, it is sought as an environment variable REFLEX_SERVICE.

    launch service|app [service-name]           # launch a service
    launch env [service-name]                   # show just the environ
    launch config|cfg [service-name] [--commit] # show just the config

In the case of launch config, it does not manipulate any local files, unless you include --commit.

Reflex Actions

Reflex Actions are a way to localize commonly run commands or steps, for any number of purposes. They are grouped into a single configuration file for easy management. Full details are available in the section Reflex Actions.

    reflex action {args}
    action {args}
    act {args}

Configure an Application

An easy templating process to build out a new application, this command will fill in the Pipeline, Service and Configuration objects with boilerplate settings.

    reflex app {args}
    app {args}

Reflex Engine

This command is used to directly manipulate objects in the Reflex Engine. Full details on these objects are available in the Reflex Objects section of the manual.

You may use any of the commands:

    reflex engine {args}
    engine {args}
    rxe {args}

A more indepth breakdown:

Usage: rxe {object} {action} [args & options]

    {object} is one of:


    {action} is one of:


Arguments and options vary by action:

=> rxe {object} li?st|ls [name-filter] [-e=expr] [-s=col,col]
   [name-filter] is a regex to limit name matches
   --ex?presssion|-e provides a logical expression referencing obj.{key} in
       dot notation (i.e. obj.stage="STG").  python expression syntax.
   --sh?ow|-s is a comma list of available columns: name, title, id, updated

=> rxe {object} cr?eate {name} [-c=json]
   If --c?ontent|-c is not specified, reads content from stdin.

=> rxe {object} get {name} [key]
   {name} is the absolute name of the object
   [key] is an optional key in dot notation (.e.

=> rxe {object} ed?it {name}
   edit object named {name} in your environment's $EDITOR.  If $EDITOR is
   undefined, defaults to vim

=> rxe {object} up?date {name} [-c=json]
   Updates {name} with full json object
   If --c?ontent|-c is not specified, reads content from stdin.

=> rxe {object} merge|set {name} [-c=json]
   Updates {name} with a dictionary merge of content
   If --c?ontent|-c is not specified, reads content from stdin.

=> rxe {object} del?ete {name}

=> rxe {object} co?py|cp {from-name} {to-name}

=> rxe {object} slice {name-filter} {limit-expression} {key}
   create a cross sectinoal set-union of {key} values on all objects matching
   {name-filter} and {limit-expression}

From Container

To run from a container, try the following (Make sure you have REFLEX_URL and REFLEX_APIKEY set in your environment)

    docker run --rm -it \
                 -e REFLEX_URL=$REFLEX_URL \
                 -e REFLEX_APIKEY=$REFLEX_APIKEY \
                 reflexsc/tools reflex {...args...}

Or if you are in bash, you can simiplify this by making ‘reflex’ a function that calls docker:

    reflex() {
        docker run --rm -it \
                 -e REFLEX_URL=$REFLEX_URL \
                 -e REFLEX_APIKEY=$REFLEX_APIKEY \
                 reflexsc/tools reflex "$@"

    reflex engine service list

Using the SDK

There is also a software level you can easily use, in Python, with the Reflex SDK.


» Next: Reflex Actions