Reflex Engine is an Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) solution, supporting policies which can use any number of attributes for authorization. However, one of the more common supported attributes is an authentication token with API keys.
There are two data types used in this process:
- Reflex API Key – used to signin up front – a two part string providing your unique identification and a shared secret used for authentication
- Reflex API Token – sent after signin to each API – a single use token sent to a server, after authorization of the session is established
Calls made to the API’s must use the Reflex API Token which is specific to a session, where the session is established using the information from the Reflex API Key.
This is a two-step process:
- Signin to a Session: Send the identifier from the API key, in a JWT, using the secret portion of the API Key to sign the JWT.
- In response you are given a session cookie and a session secret.
- Make Authorized API Calls, send a Reflex API Token with each API Call, for the duration of the session created in step #1. The Token is a JWT using the session id and signed with the session secret.
The benefits of this process:
- The API Key may be stored offline, and only contains the components used to make a signin JWT. This means the signin JWT is always unique.
- Direct API keys always use a short term session id and secret, given after the signin is successful. This reduces the replay vector significantly.
Reflex API Key
The ApiKey is shared externally and may be stored in various mediums. It has the components required to create a signin JWT. It is provided as a string of two parts, separated with a period:
The secret portion is base64 encoded random data, and should be decoded before being used as a secret. A signin JWT has the following payload:
jti: your-identifier
seed: 256 bytes of random data
exp: 5 minutes from now
It is signed by the base64 decoded secret part of the API key, and is sent to the authorization endpoint in the header X-ApiKey
Reflex API Token
A Reflex API Token is a JWT created using the session information provided by Signing in using the Reflex API Key. The API Token is a short-lived JWT, generated using session information from the signin process. An API Token includes the following JWT payload:
jti: unique request ID
exp: session expiration time
This JWT is then sent to Reflex Engine’s auth endpoint in the X-ApiToken
header, using the secret part of your apikey to sign the JWT.
Signin to a Session
Create a JWT as described in the Reflex API Key section.
Example (Node.js):
var apikey = "myid.V1J9cZFY4hUcImgal/b2/7DNSSSWvqhInrK2RQ".split(".")
var api_id, api_secret = apikey.split(".")
var secret = new Buffer(api_secret, 'base64')
var jwt = require('jwt-simple');
var seed = require('crypto').randomBytes(256).toString('base64')
var expires = ((new Date).getTime() / 1000) + 300
var token = jwt.encode({ 'exp': 'jti': api_id, 'seed': seed}, secret)
This JWT is then sent as a GET to Reflex Engine’s auth endpoint in the X-ApiKey
header, using the secret part of your apikey to sign the JWT.
The service will respond with either 401 Unauthorized, a 403 Forbidden (your API Key is not allowed), or 200 OK with a content-type of application/json
and a payload including two keys:
"secret": "...base64...",
"session": "session ID - same as cookie",
"expires_at": 1111, // posix time session expires,
"jti": "id to send back as the jti",
"status": "success"
>>> GET /reflex/api/v1/auth HTTP/1.1
>>> X-ApiKey: .....
<<< 200 Ok
<<< Set-Cookie: ...
<<< Content-Type: application/json
<<< {"status": ...}
The session ID is also reflected in a Cookie identified as sid
The secret and cookie must be used for any API key authentication.
Sessions are limited to the originating IP address, and may not be used across different originating IP’s.
Authorized API Calls
After successfully getting Session Authorization, you should now have a session cookie and session secret. At this point you can call any API’s with the Reflex API Token, sent in the header X-ApiToken
If your session key is expired or otherwise not working, you should receive a 401 response. You will need to re-establish a new session if this ocurrs.